How to See my "Instagram Achievements" on Instagram

How to see Instagram achievements

by Pon Sunil

A few days back, I posted an Instagram post; after a while, I got a notification from Instagram that I had earned a new Achievement for getting 50 likes on the post that I posted earlier.

After spending a while on that new “Instagram Achievements” tab, I understood that this is a new feature released by Instagram.

So, I googled this to know more about this feature, but unfortunately, there isn’t any blog post about it other than a few news articles about this new feature’s release.

With the help of my friend Darjan and our different types of Instagram Accounts, we tested and found the answers to my questions.

So, sharing it here will help you guys who are puzzled about this new Instagram feature.

Here’s what I have found, Let’s get started,

What are the Eligibility For Instagram Achievements?

For Instagram Users to get access to “Instagram Achievement,” they must have a professional, creator, or business account on Instagram.

This Instagram feature is only available for such account types and is currently not available for other account types.

What are the Eligibility For Instagram Achievements?

How to See Instagram Achievements?

If you have a professional creator or business account, follow the below-given steps to see the progress of each of your Instagram achievements from the “Instagram Achievement” tab.

Note: This feature can only be accessed through a mobile device, Instagram has not provided any other ways for its users to view this “Instagram Achievement” feature through other devices.

  • Open the Instagram Application and log in to your Account.
  • Click on the Profile icon from the bottom right corner.
  • Now, Click on the “Professional Dashboard” given below your IG Bio.
  • Choose “Achievements” from the given menu.
  • Here, you can see the progress of each of your Instagram Achievements.

Can’t See Instagram Achievements?-(Troubleshooting)

If you want to see your Instagram Achievements but can’t find them anywhere on your Instagram Account? Here are some steps to follow to troubleshoot this problem

  • Open your Instagram Application and click your Profile Icon.
  • Now, Open “Settings” and Verify the Account type that you currently have.
  • If you have any other account type besides professional, creator, or business accounts, try changing it.
  • Now, Check the “Professional Dashboard” given below your Instagram Bio.
  • If you can’t find the “Instagram Achievement” tab from the given menu, Try searching it in the “Your Activity” tab.
  • If this problem persists, try to contact Instagram Support.
  • However, remember that this feature is not meant for everyone to use[This is stated on the Instagram help center page).

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is there a difference in accessing achievements between personal and business accounts on Instagram?

Yes, there is a major difference: Instagram achievements are only available for the use of Instagram users who have a business, professional, or creator account.

These Instagram achievements cannot be accessed from a personal account.

Do Instagram achievements vary based on the industry or niche of the account?

No, the “Instagram Achievement” feature does not vary from user to user or based on Industry or Niche. Instagram has only provided 10 different types of achievements for everyone who has a business or creator account to perceive.

How frequently are Instagram achievements updated or recalculated?

Instagram Achievements are updated in real-time. For instance, you’ll receive the “50 post likes” Badge as soon as any of your Instagram posts that you have posted reaches 50 Likes.

How can I view my Instagram achievements on the mobile app?

Suppose you have a business or creator account. In that case, you can see your Instagram Achievements from the “Instgram Achievements” tab, which is located in the “Professional Dashboard” that is above your Instagram Feed.

Are there any third-party tools or apps that offer more detailed insights into Instagram achievements?

No, As this is a new feature provided by Instagram only for creators and businesses, there are no third-party apps or tools to offer you more detailed insights into your Instagram Achievements.

Can I see historical data or past achievements on Instagram?

Yes, From the “Instagram Achievements” Tab, you can see your past achievements and also how close you are to achieving your new set of achievements.

Do Instagram Stories contribute to or impact the overall achievements on the platform?

Yes, In the Instagram Achievements section, there is a separate achievement for the number of stories that you have uploaded and how many people have seen your story.

These Achievements will move to the next set of challenges or milestones that you can achieve through your Instagram Stories.


After using this feature and testing it using different account types that my friend Darjan and I had, I found out about this new feature’s eligibility, how to use it, where it is located on Instagram, etc.

I hope this blog post answered your every question; however, If you have any doubts related to this new feature, feel free to share it in the comments section.

I’ll be more than happy to uncover new facts about this feature to answer your questions.

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